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Added a compile all argument.

Now compiles all at once. Takes an optional argument as -ca to _compile all_.
NonstickAtom785 %!s(int64=4) %!d(string=hai) anos
Modificáronse 1 ficheiros con 5 adicións e 35 borrados
  1. 5 35

+ 5 - 35

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 @echo off
 if exist spasm.exe (
   echo "Starting Compile..."
 ) else (
@@ -15,53 +16,22 @@ rem Generates the jumptable and grammer2.5.inc file together.
   python ..\tools\jt.py jmptable.z80 grammer2.5.inc
   copy /Y grammer2.5.inc ..\docs\grammer2.5.inc
-  set /P c=Compile Grammer?(Y/N)
-  if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" (
     echo "Assembling App"
     ..\spasm.exe grammer.z80 ..\bin\grammer.8xk -I ..\z80float\single
-    if exist grampkg.z80 goto :grampkg
-  )
-  if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :grampkg
-goto :app
-  set /P c=Compile Default Package?(Y/N)
-  if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" (
+rem If the second command line argument is -ca then compile everything else.
+if "%1"=="-ca" (
     echo "Assembling Default Package"
     ..\spasm.exe grampkg.z80 ..\bin\grampkg.8xv
-    if exist experimental\experimental.z80 goto :exppkg
-  )
-  if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :exppkg
-goto :grampkg
 rem Install experimental package
-  set /P c=Compile Experimental Package?(Y/N)
-  if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" (
      	echo "Assembling Experimental Package"
    	..\spasm.exe experimental\experimental.z80 ..\bin\EXPRMNTL.8xv -I single
-    if exist launch.z80 goto :proglaunch
-  )
-  if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :proglaunch
-goto :exppkg
 rem Install program launcher
-  set /P c=Compile Program Launcher?(Y/N)
-  if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" (
     echo "Assembling Program Launcher"
     ..\spasm.exe launch.z80 ..\bin\g250.8xp
-  )
-  if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :exit
-goto :proglaunch