tilemap_new: dec a jp z,tilemap_init ld hl,(parsePtr) dec a jp z,tilemap_fullrender ld c,1 dec a jr z,tmap_scroll_down dec a jr z,tmap_scroll_left dec a jr z,tmap_scroll_right dec a jr z,tmap_scroll_up dec a jr z,tmap_scroll dec a jp z,tmap_gettile dec a jp z,tmap_settile dec a jp z,tmap_gettile_pxl jp p1_errbadtoken tmap_scroll_left: ld a,(hl) cp $2B call z,p1_ParseNextFullArg inc c dec c ret z ld b,c tmap_scroll_left_loop: _: push bc call tilemap_scroll_left pop bc djnz -_ ret tmap_scroll_right: ld a,(hl) cp $2B call z,p1_ParseNextFullArg inc c dec c ret z ld b,c tmap_scroll_right_loop: _: push bc call tilemap_scroll_right pop bc djnz -_ ret tmap_scroll_down: ld a,(hl) cp $2B call z,p1_ParseNextFullArg inc c dec c ret z ld b,c tmap_scroll_down_loop: _: push bc call tilemap_scroll_down pop bc djnz -_ ret tmap_scroll_up: ld a,(hl) cp $2B call z,p1_ParseNextFullArg inc c dec c ret z ld b,c tmap_scroll_up_loop: _: push bc call tilemap_scroll_up pop bc djnz -_ ret tmap_scroll: call p1_ParseNextFullArg cp $2B ld a,c push af ld c,1 call z,p1_ParseNextFullArg pop af inc c dec c ret z ld b,c rrca push af push bc call c,tmap_scroll_down_loop pop bc pop af rrca push af push bc call c,tmap_scroll_left_loop pop bc pop af rrca push af push bc call c,tmap_scroll_right_loop pop bc pop af rrca ret nc jp tmap_scroll_up_loop tmap_gettile_pxl: call p1_ParseNextFullArg ld a,(tilemap_sy) add a,c and %11111000 rrca rrca rrca ld c,a ld a,(tilemap_y) add a,c ld c,a push bc call p1_ParseNextFullArg ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) .db $FE _: inc c add a,a jr nc,-_ ld a,c and %11111000 rrca rrca rrca ld c,a ld a,(tilemap_x) add a,c pop de ld c,a jr +_ tmap_gettile: ; This gets the tile number based on the map coordinates call p1_ParseNextFullArg push bc call p1_ParseNextFullArg pop de _: ld b,0 ld hl,(tilemap_height) ld a,e cp l jr nc,setC_to_B ld a,d cp h jr nc,setC_to_B ;need tilemap_base+width*e+c ld hl,(tilemap_base) ld b,0 add hl,bc ld d,b ld a,(tilemap_width) ld b,a or a jr z,+_ add hl,de djnz $-1 _: ld c,(hl) ld b,d ret setC_to_B: ld c,b ret tmap_settile: call p1_ParseNextFullArg push bc call p1_ParseNextFullArg pop de ;need tilemap_base+width*e+c ld b,0 ld hl,(tilemap_height) ld a,e cp l jr nc,parse_return_0 ld a,d cp h jr nc,parse_return_0 ld hl,(tilemap_base) add hl,bc ld d,b ld a,(tilemap_width) ld b,a or a jr z,+_ add hl,de djnz $-1 _: push hl call p1_ParseNextFullArg pop hl ld a,(hl) ld (hl),c ld c,a ld b,0 ret parse_return_0: call p1_ParseNextFullArg ld bc,0 ret tilemap_init: ;Use this routine to initialize a tilemap ; (tilemap_base) points to the tilemap base ; (tilemap_height) is the height ; (tilemap_width) is the width ; (sprite_select) points to the routine for selecting the sprite ; (tilemap_buf) points to the buffer to draw on ; tilemap_flags ;Need to set ; (tilemap_sy) is the y-offset into the sprite ; (tilemap_y) is the y-offset into the tilemap ; (tilemap_sx_mask) is the column mask for the sprite ; (tilemap_x) is the x-offset into the tilemap ; (tilemap_top) is the pointer to the upper-left tile in view ; (tilemap_bottom) is the pointer to the bottom-left incoming row call p1_ParseNextFullArg ld (tilemap_base),bc call p1_ParseNextFullArg ld (spritesheet_ptr),bc call p1_ParseNextFullArg ld a,c ld (tilemap_height),a call p1_ParseNextFullArg cp $2B ld a,c ld (tilemap_width),a ld bc,(bufptr) call z,p1_ParseNextFullArg ld (tilemap_buf),bc ld hl,sprite_selector ld (sprite_select),hl xor a ld (tilemap_flags),a ;now generate the rest ld hl,0 ld b,h ;for later ld (tilemap_sy),hl ld l,$80 ld (tilemap_sx_mask),hl ld hl,(tilemap_base) ld (tilemap_top),hl ld a,(tilemap_width) add a,a \ rl b add a,a \ rl b add a,a \ rl b ld c,a add hl,bc ld (tilemap_bottom),hl ret tilemap_fullrender: ;Inputs: ; (D,E) is the offset into the map ;Set: ; (tilemap_sx_mask) is the column mask for the sprite ; (tilemap_x) is the x-offset into the tilemap ; (tilemap_sy) is the x-offset into the sprite ; (tilemap_y) is the y-offset into the tilemap ; (tilemap_top) is the pointer to the upper-left tile in view ; (tilemap_bottom) is the pointer to the bottom-left incoming row ld a,(hl) cp $2B ld c,0 call z,p1_ParseNextFullArg push bc cp $2B ld c,0 call z,p1_ParseNextFullArg pop de ld a,e ld (tilemap_y),a ld a,c ld (tilemap_x),a xor a ld d,a ;for later ld b,a ; for later ld (tilemap_sy),a ld a,$80 ld (tilemap_sx_mask),a ld hl,(tilemap_base) ;top is x+y*w add hl,bc ld a,(tilemap_width) or a jr nc,+_ ld b,a add hl,de djnz $-1 _: ld (tilemap_top),hl ld a,(tilemap_width) ;now add width*8 to HL for tilemap_bottom ld e,a add a,a \ rl d add a,a \ rl d add a,a \ rl d ld e,a add hl,de ld (tilemap_bottom),hl ;Now we need to actually draw the tilemap ;I'm going to do this the slow and easy way ld hl,(tilemap_top) ld de,(tilemap_buf) ld ix,(sprite_select) ld c,0 tilemap_y_loop: ld b,0 push hl tilemap_x_loop: push hl push bc push de ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite_at_BC pop hl push hl ;at HL, draw the tile from DE ld bc,12 ld a,8 _: ex de,hl ldi ex de,hl add hl,bc inc c dec a jr nz,-_ pop de inc de pop bc pop hl inc hl inc b ld a,b cp 12 jr nz,tilemap_x_loop ld hl,7*12 add hl,de ex de,hl pop hl ;need to add width to HL ld a,(tilemap_width) add a,l ld l,a jr nc,$+3 inc h inc c bit 3,c jr z,tilemap_y_loop ret tilemap_scroll_left: ld ix,(sprite_select) ld hl,(tilemap_top) ld bc,12 add hl,bc ld (tempword2),hl ;tilemap pointer ld a,(tilemap_x) add a,12 ld b,a ld a,(tilemap_y) ld c,a ld (tempword3),bc ;tilemap (x,y) ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite ;DE points to the sprite data ld hl,(tilemap_buf) ld bc,11 add hl,bc ld a,(tilemap_sy) cpl and 7 inc a ld b,a ld a,(tilemap_sy) add a,e ld e,a jr nc,$+3 inc d ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) ld c,a tilemap_scroll_left_loop0: push bc ld a,(de) inc de and c add a,255 ld b,12 _: rl (hl) dec hl djnz -_ ld c,24 add hl,bc pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_left_loop0 ld b,7 tilemap_scroll_left_loop1: ld a,(tempword3) inc a ld (tempword3),a push bc push hl ld hl,(tempword2) ld a,(tilemap_width) ld c,a ld b,0 add hl,bc ld (tempword2),hl ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite pop hl ld b,8 ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) ld c,a tilemap_scroll_left_loop2: push bc ld a,(de) inc de and c add a,255 ld b,12 _: rl (hl) dec hl djnz -_ ld c,24 add hl,bc pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_left_loop2 pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_left_loop1 ld a,(tempword3) inc a ld (tempword3),a ;final iteration push hl ld hl,(tempword2) ld a,(tilemap_width) ld c,a ld b,0 add hl,bc ld (tempword2),hl ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite pop hl ld a,(tilemap_sy) or a jr z,tilemap_scroll_left_end ld b,a ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) ld c,a tilemap_scroll_left_loop3: push bc ld a,(de) inc de and c add a,255 ld b,12 _: rl (hl) dec hl djnz -_ ld c,24 add hl,bc pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_left_loop3 tilemap_scroll_left_end: ld hl,tilemap_sx_mask rrc (hl) ret nc inc hl inc (hl) ;tilemap_x ld hl,(tilemap_top) inc hl ld (tilemap_top),hl ld hl,(tilemap_bottom) inc hl ld (tilemap_bottom),hl ret tilemap_scroll_right: ld ix,(sprite_select) ld hl,tilemap_sx_mask rlc (hl) jr nc,+_ inc hl dec (hl) ;tilemap_x ld hl,(tilemap_bottom) dec hl ld (tilemap_bottom),hl ld hl,(tilemap_top) dec hl ld (tilemap_top),hl _: ld hl,(tilemap_top) ld (tempword2),hl ;tilemap pointer ld a,(tilemap_x) ld b,a ld a,(tilemap_y) ld c,a ld (tempword3),bc ;tilemap (x,y) ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite ;DE points to the sprite data ld hl,(tilemap_buf) ld a,(tilemap_sy) cpl and 7 inc a ld b,a ld a,(tilemap_sy) add a,e ld e,a jr nc,$+3 inc d ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) ld c,a tilemap_scroll_right_loop0: push bc ld a,(de) inc de and c add a,255 ld b,12 _: rr (hl) inc hl djnz -_ pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_right_loop0 ld b,7 tilemap_scroll_right_loop1: ld a,(tempword3) inc a ld (tempword3),a push bc push hl ld hl,(tempword2) ld a,(tilemap_width) add a,l ld l,a jr nc,$+3 inc h ld (tempword2),hl ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite pop hl ld b,8 ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) ld c,a tilemap_scroll_right_loop2: push bc ld a,(de) inc de and c add a,255 ld b,12 _: rr (hl) inc hl djnz -_ pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_right_loop2 pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_right_loop1 ld a,(tempword3) inc a ld (tempword3),a ;final iteration push hl ld hl,(tempword2) ld a,(tilemap_width) add a,l ld l,a jr nc,$+3 inc h ld (tempword2),hl ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite pop hl ld a,(tilemap_sy) or a ret z ld b,a ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) ld c,a tilemap_scroll_right_loop3: push bc ld a,(de) inc de and c add a,255 ld b,12 _: rr (hl) inc hl djnz -_ pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_right_loop3 ret tilemap_scroll_up: ld ix,(sprite_select) ld a,(tilemap_x) ld h,a ld a,(tilemap_y) add a,8 ld l,a ld (tempword3),hl ;tilemap (x,y) ld de,(tilemap_buf) ld hl,12 add hl,de ld bc,756 ldir ;Now we need to populate the row of pixels ;first right the sprite data as if it is supposed to be aligned ld hl,(tilemap_bottom) ld b,12 ;DE points to where to write the sprite data ;HL points to the tile ;B is the number of tiles to read tilemap_scroll_up_loop_0: push bc push hl push de ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite ld a,(tilemap_sy) add a,e ld e,a jr nc,$+3 inc d ld a,(de) pop de ld (de),a inc de pop hl inc hl ld a,(tempword3+1) inc a ld (tempword3+1),a pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_up_loop_0 ;now we need to shift the row left, shifting in the bits from the next tile push de ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite ld a,(tilemap_sy) add a,e ld e,a jr nc,$+3 inc d ld a,(de) pop hl ld c,a ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) ;need to shift in C until A is $80 ld de,12 jr tilemap_scroll_up_loop_1_start tilemap_scroll_up_loop_1: ld b,e rlc c _: dec hl rl (hl) djnz -_ add hl,de tilemap_scroll_up_loop_1_start: add a,a jr nc,tilemap_scroll_up_loop_1 ld a,(tilemap_sy) inc a and 7 ld (tilemap_sy),a ret nz ld a,(tilemap_y) inc a ld (tilemap_y),a ld a,(tilemap_width) ld c,a ld b,0 ld hl,(tilemap_top) add hl,bc ld (tilemap_top),hl ld hl,(tilemap_bottom) add hl,bc ld (tilemap_bottom),hl ret tilemap_scroll_down: ld ix,(sprite_select) ld a,(tilemap_x) ld h,a ld a,(tilemap_y) ld l,a ld (tempword3),hl ;tilemap (x,y) ld de,(tilemap_buf) inc d inc d inc d dec de ld hl,-12 add hl,de ld bc,756 lddr ld a,(tilemap_sy) dec a ld (tilemap_sy),a jp p,+_ and 7 ld (tilemap_sy),a ld a,(tilemap_y) dec a ld (tilemap_y),a ld (tempword3),a ld a,(tilemap_width) neg ld c,a ld b,-1 ld hl,(tilemap_top) add hl,bc ld (tilemap_top),hl ld hl,(tilemap_bottom) add hl,bc ld (tilemap_bottom),hl _: ;Now we need to populate the row of pixels ;first right the sprite data as if it is supposed to be aligned ld de,(tilemap_buf) ld hl,(tilemap_top) ld b,12 ;DE points to where to write the sprite data ;HL points to the tile ;B is the number of tiles to read tilemap_scroll_down_loop_0: push bc push hl push de ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite ld a,(tilemap_sy) add a,e ld e,a jr nc,$+3 inc d ld a,(de) pop de ld (de),a inc de pop hl inc hl ld a,(tempword3+1) inc a ld (tempword3+1),a pop bc djnz tilemap_scroll_down_loop_0 ;now we need to shift the row left, shifting in the bits from the next tile push de ld a,(hl) call tilemap_getsprite ld a,(tilemap_sy) add a,e ld e,a jr nc,$+3 inc d ld a,(de) pop hl ld c,a ld a,(tilemap_sx_mask) ;need to shift in C until A is $80 ld de,12 jr tilemap_scroll_down_loop_1_start tilemap_scroll_down_loop_1: ld b,e rlc c _: dec hl rl (hl) djnz -_ add hl,de tilemap_scroll_down_loop_1_start: add a,a jr nc,tilemap_scroll_down_loop_1 ret tilemap_getsprite: ld bc,(tempword3) tilemap_getsprite_at_BC: ld hl,(tilemap_height) jp (ix) sprite_selector: ld e,a ld a,b cp h jr nc,+_ ld a,c cp l ld a,e _: ld de,(spritesheet_ptr) ret nc ld l,a ld h,0 add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,de ex de,hl ret