12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 |
- @echo off
- if exist spasm.exe (
- echo "Starting Compile..."
- ) else (
- echo "Opening readme..."
- start "" https://github.com/Zeda/Grammer2/blob/master/Readme.md
- exit
- )
- cd src
- rem Generates the jumptable and grammer2.5.inc file together.
- echo "Generating grammer2.5.inc"
- python ..\tools\jt.py jmptable.z80 grammer2.5.inc
- copy /Y grammer2.5.inc ..\docs\grammer2.5.inc
- echo "Assembling App"
- ..\spasm.exe grammer.z80 ..\bin\grammer.8xk -I ..\z80float\single
- rem If the second command line argument is -ca then compile everything else.
- if "%1"=="-ca" (
- echo "Assembling Default Package"
- ..\spasm.exe grampkg.z80 ..\bin\grampkg.8xv
- rem Install experimental package
- echo "Assembling Experimental Package"
- ..\spasm.exe experimental\experimental.z80 ..\bin\EXPRMNTL.8xv -I single
- rem Install program launcher
- echo "Assembling Program Launcher"
- ..\spasm.exe launch.z80 ..\bin\g250.8xp
- )
- cd..